Archive for the ‘tournaments’ Category.
2019/11/08, 19:32 by checker
There’s a new venue available this week, and the Sniper is going to have a work a harder than usual to find the Spy. You can play Redwoods right now, and there’s even a tiny two-day tournament this weekend open to everybody. More details on the tournament below at the bottom of this post! It […]
2015/02/25, 15:55 by checker
If you’re not yet in the SpyParty beta or if you are but don’t check the (awesome) private beta forums,1 you may not know there was a tournament going on for the past few months. As usual, since I’m too discombobulated to do much of anything, it was a beta-tester organized tourney. This time around, bloom put it […]
2013/06/20, 17:02 by checker
Edit: This happened, and here are pictures to prove it! Davey Wreden of The Stanley Parable, Robin Arnott of Antichamber’s sound design and SoundSelf, and Eduardo Ortiz of Apotheon’s sound design are throwing a SpyParty party and tournament in Austin, TX, tomorrow, at the Indiecade Annex, 1310 Broadmoor Drive, 8pm to midnight! It’s open to the public and […]
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2013/01/19, 04:26 by checker
Update: Here’s the video of the finals match between james1221 and bl00dw0lf with the full commentary!1 I am ludicrously excited about this! If you follow this blog and SpyParty on Twitter or Facebook,2 you probably know I’ve been really interested in live streaming recently. In fact, just the other day I set up the SpyParty Streams Notifier and I’m writing […]
2013/01/02, 22:47 by checker
I have a lot of bigger posts queued up, but since this is time-sensitive, I wanted to quickly post that SpyParty beta tester insight‘s New Years Cup is starting tonight, with a match between darwin and drawnonward, and will be streamed live at 1am US PST (GMT-8) at You can also sign up for […]