Archive for the ‘playtests’ Category.

Here we go…it’s SpyParty Beta time!

Well, you all asked for it, so I’ve spent the past month trying to figure out exactly how to make it work, and I think I’ve finally got all the pieces figured out.1 So, here we go:  I’m taking sign ups for the SpyParty Early-Access Beta, starting right now! The sign up page is here. […]

UC Berkeley Lecture Posted

Just a quick note:  I posted Wednesday’s UC Berkeley Lecture, Design, Games, & Game Design (feat. SpyParty). Update: I also just posted a related lecture about SpyParty‘s AI system and AI programming and design in general, titled, SpyParty, A Game About AI…plus some ranting. Update: Arthur Mason posted some pictures of the event to flickr.

Come See+Play SpyParty at UC Berkeley On Wednesday

This week—Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011, at 6pm, to be precise—I’ll be giving a short lecture on SpyParty and indie game development at UC Berkeley, and then we’ll do a playtest until they kick us out of the building.  Speaking of the building, it’s Room 202 in South Hall.1  The lecture is free and is open […]


Hey, you! Boot up your PlayStation®3 (PS3™), log onto the PlayStation®Network, and buy the just-released Slam Bolt Scrappers!  Not only because it’s a crazy and fun mashup of Tetris and Super Smash Bros. made by a bunch of super cool indie developers, but also because the Fire Hose Games guys are totally amazing for letting […]

PAX East 2011, Day 1, sort of…

I wanted to post all the pictures and metrics and stuff from today’s PAX booth #1133 insanity, but I figured it was better to spend I-should-be-sleeping-time to fix all the bugs and usability issues I noted during the playtests, so instead of fun pictures (although the Fire Hose guys posted some) and stats, you get […]