Archive for the ‘playtests’ Category.
2012/03/14, 17:56 by checker
Update: If you ended up here looking for the open beta, I have no idea why wordpress is sending you here when it should be sending you here. Sorry, and I’m trying to figure it out! So, I’m motoring along through my beta todo lists,1 and I start to investigate a bug Rachel […]
2012/02/27, 19:09 by checker
Last Thursday we did a small playtest, the second so far in the Early-Access Beta! This time it was Rachel, Lauren, Ian, and me, and we played and chatted (and restarted after crashes) for a little over 3 hours. As it should, the playtest generated a ton of tasks, but this time I actually fixed […]
2012/02/21, 02:42 by checker
Late Sunday night, I was looking at the lobby server logs, and saw a login from “rachel” but no logout. Uh oh, I thought, this must be a bug, since with only 9 people invited into the Early-Access Beta so far, the chance of actually finding another person in the lobby without making a pre-arranged […]
2012/02/17, 23:12 by checker
I still do not have my $14.26 from PayPal. But, I have fixed most of the bugs that Jonathan Blow—the first official SpyParty Early-Access Beta invitee—found, so I guess I’m not going to wait for PayPal1 and hope things are working now. There have been a lot of questions here on the blog, on Twitter, […]
2011/09/23, 04:28 by checker
As you may remember, I planned to try to emphasize SpyParty‘s gameplay depth at PAX West 2011 by setting up the booth with three playtest stations (six computers total), each with a different rule for what kind of players could sit down and play. My booth was a tiny 10×10, so I knew it was […]