Archive for the ‘playtests’ Category.
2012/07/13, 04:06 by checker
I’m back from Evo, and finally mostly rested. It was a lot of fun! I had no idea what to expect and so I went in with no expectations, and that’s good, because it turned out to be quite different from previous playtests. The show floor was a small part of the overall event, and […]
2012/06/26, 01:47 by checker
I give a lot of lectures on games. In these lectures, I often talk about games as an art form, and how games are different from the other popular and important art and entertainment forms. Even though we often get compared to film, I think when games finally fulfill their potential, they will be as […]
2012/04/17, 13:33 by checker
This is the Welcome post for the SpyParty Early-Access Beta forums, including the tutorial video I recorded last night, which will hopefully help the complete newbs I’m about to invite in from getting frustrated (and shot). Welcome to the SpyParty Early-Access Beta! This welcome post is going to be a living document, which is to say I’m probably going […]
2012/04/12, 15:21 by checker
I just wrote this post for the Bugs subforum on the Early-Access Beta site. I figured you all would be interested in reading it, since you’re all going to be invited into the beta soon.1 Finding and reporting bugs is a learnable skill, and you don’t have to be a programmer or even a particularly […]
2012/03/19, 19:45 by checker
I decided at pretty close to the last possible minute to have a small “thank you” party for the first set of SpyParty beta playtesters, and I invited some friends from the press who have been covering the game for a while. Scheduling things during the evening at a big tradeshow like GDC is basically […]