Archive for the ‘events’ Category.

A Small Party at GDC for Playtesters and Press

I decided at pretty close to the last possible minute to have a small “thank you” party for the first set of SpyParty beta playtesters, and I invited some friends from the press who have been covering the game for a while.  Scheduling things during the evening at a big tradeshow like GDC is basically […]

PAX West 2011 Report & Pics

As you may remember, I planned to try to emphasize SpyParty‘s gameplay depth at PAX West 2011 by setting up the booth with three playtest stations (six computers total), each with a different rule for what kind of players could sit down and play.  My booth was a tiny 10×10, so I knew it was […]

SpyParty’s Indie Friends at PAX West 2011

As I mentioned previously, the SpyParty booth at PAX West 2011 (lucky number 3002) is going to be home to some wacky shenanigans involving various experiments on you, the PAX attendees.  The first is the depth-based-gameplay experiment of having an unlimited time playtest station…will it end in tears? I hinted at the second experiment at […]

SpyParty at PAX West 2011 – Going for Depth

Beta, what beta?  Let’s talk about PAX West 2011,1 which is now only slightly more than one week away.  Yikes! Once again, SpyParty has a booth, but as evidenced by my previous two PAXes, apparently I have to do it differently each time.  So, here’s the deal this time around… SpyParty has its own booth […]

My SF IGDA Talk on SpyParty Networking Infrastructure

Here is my talk from last night’s SF IGDA meeting, all marked up and flashified.  Apparently MyPlick finally died, so you can download the raw ppt and mp3. I talked about my goals for the network infrastructure for the SpyParty Early-Access Beta, both at a high level in terms of polish, security, scalability, and flexibility, […]