Archive for the ‘events’ Category.
2013/06/03, 16:13 by checker
Update: The loadtest was a success, thanks everybody! It was fun to hang out and chat, and a bunch of other indie game developers showed up as well, including Davey Wreden (Stanley Parable), Alexander Bruce (Antichamber), and David Rosen (Overgrowth), which made it in to a bit of an indie lovefest loadtest! Fun seemed to be […]
2013/05/06, 19:25 by checker
Update: Okay, the video is up from this talk, it’s a mix of general indie game stuff, some SpyParty and The Witness stuff, and miscellaneous stuff: Jonathan Blow and I will be answering—or trying to answer—questions from the audience on Wednesday, May 8th, at 7pm PDT in San Francisco as guests of the SF IGDA. […]
2013/03/05, 00:16 by checker
I guess Thursday midnight is technically Friday morning, unless midnight is defined as 00:00-ε or something, but anyway, the Official SpyParty Late Night Streamer™ drawnonward is celebrating his 100th stream on Thursday night at midnight, Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8), which means it’s Friday at 8am GMT (I think, unless I messed that math up), on his […]
2013/01/02, 22:47 by checker
I have a lot of bigger posts queued up, but since this is time-sensitive, I wanted to quickly post that SpyParty beta tester insight‘s New Years Cup is starting tonight, with a match between darwin and drawnonward, and will be streamed live at 1am US PST (GMT-8) at You can also sign up for […]
2012/12/24, 03:48 by checker
I hope didn’t break anything important shoving this in. Also, in case you missed the tweet, beta tester bl00dw0lf made something amazing for the end of the year: