Archive for the ‘events’ Category.

Update on the New Art, and SpyParty at XOXO in Portland

The new art is finally nearing release to beta testers, so if you want to check it out yourself as soon as I post the build, sign up for the beta!  I’ll post more details here when I release it, and of course I’ll stream the release notes on and then post them on the SpyParty […]

PAX West 2013 Report and Gallery

Another PAX, survived. This one was a little more nuts than usual, and that’s saying something.  Allow me to enumerate the additional levels of difficulty this year: FOUR DAYS LONG instead of three, for 33% more exhaustion! Getting the new artwork playable1 in the game. SpyParty was chosen as the secret final game for the […]

Evo 2013 Report and Pics

We lived through Evo 2013. At times, it was iffy. You see, a “normal” show, like PAX, lasts from 9 or 10am to about 6pm.  At that point, the guards kick everybody out and you can close up the booth and go to bed or fix the bugs your found that day, or maybe even […]

On EVO 2013, Interviewing kcmmmmm, and losing a bet with Seth Killian

I had totally forgotten about the bet, but it’s clear I lost it, fair and square: “Didn’t I bet you in my invitation to evo last year that an evo guy would become your #1 player?   I want a beer, or at least some opportunity to be smug somehow :)” – Seth Killian I had […]

Public SpyParty Tournament in Austin, TX, Tomorrow, Friday 6/21!

Edit: This happened, and here are pictures to prove it! Davey Wreden of The Stanley Parable, Robin Arnott of Antichamber’s sound design and SoundSelf, and Eduardo Ortiz of Apotheon’s sound design are throwing a SpyParty party and tournament in Austin, TX, tomorrow, at the Indiecade Annex, 1310 Broadmoor Drive, 8pm to midnight! It’s open to the public and […]