Archive for the ‘events’ Category.

Sorry I’m Swamped, Here’s a Teaser Post!

I’m sorry I went dark all of a sudden after PAX, I just got completely swamped with stuff, including festival deadlines, lectures, GDC stuff, etc. It’s going to be a couple more weeks of crunching for various things (like the IGF deadline on 10/18), and then I will post the rest of the cool stuff […]

PAX, Day 3, ZOMG

I’m so exhausted I’m not going to do much more than post pictures tonight, and I’ll write up more about PAX Day 3 tomorrow, but in addition to having a line of people Reading The Fine Manual, let me say that the SpyParty “PAX Experts” Tournament was so mind blowingly amazing I can’t even describe […]

PAX, Day 2

Still alive after two days of PAX, one more to go! Today there was a line from the instant the show floor opened to the public, until closing time!  I feel bad people have to wait to play, but the line has turned out to be a blessing, actually, because it gives people a chance […]

PAX, Day 1

The first day of PAX is over, and we are still alive!!!  We had crowds almost all of the time, and occasionally a giant line.  Best of all, we had a fair number of repeat customers.  One pair of guys game back 5 or so times, which is exactly what I was hoping for, because […]