Archive for the ‘design’ Category.

Shaken, Not Stirred

I’m too swamped with PAX prep to do a real detailed post, but I figured I’d tease with this: I’m adding drinks to the party, which while always welcome at real parties, are a real pain in the butt at virtual ones. For starters, holding a drink “cross-cuts” just about every other behavior and animation, […]

Size Doesn’t Matter Day

This is one of a set of articles all published on Tuesday, August 17th, 2010, the inaugural Size Doesn’t Matter Day organized by Jamie Cheng from Klei, where game developers talk about how the length of a game is or isn’t important relative to its other merits.  Links to all the ones I know about […]

Lost in the 4th Dimension…

Most indie game developers I know do “indie game work days”, where one or more people will get together at somebody’s house or a coffee shop to work on their individual games in parallel.  Some people call this “co-working”, I guess. Today, Marc ten Bosch is over at my place, and is working on new […]

SpyParty E3 “Competitive” Analysis

I’m not an economist, so I could be completely wrong here, but I don’t think games (or works in any art and entertainment form, whether film, music, books, whatever) really compete against each other in the usual sense of the term “compete”. Yes, if you ship on the exact same day as a big hit, […]

Lost, The Wire, Game Design, Meaning, and Brian Moriarty

I just read this interview with the Lost executive producers, Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, and it’s got some pretty interesting comments in it that relate to some of my current thoughts about game design. This first quote speaks to a concept Jonathan Blow and I talk about all the time when discussing game design and […]