Archive for the ‘beta’ Category.

The New SpyParty Homepage and Trailer

That long image there to the left is a picture of the current homepage as I write this. As you read this, there will be a new fancy doesn’t-look-like-a-default-WordPress-install homepage. Welcome to the 21st century,! Plus, to go along with the new homepage design, we made the first SpyParty trailer! More on that below. The […]

The History of the Game From Two Years of Beta Testing

Two years ago checker invited internet strangers into his game and I was lucky enough to snatch an invite from the very first group. I had been following the game closely before I got the invite, and that is obviously still the case today. Over the years I have observed a lot of changes in the […]

The New Gallery Map!

The new map, Gallery, is out in the latest build! The design goal for this map was to make it long and narrow with a lot of dynamic occlusion caused by the partygoers. It seemed to work pretty well, we played it during the release notes stream, where I did two different “birthday games”, the […]

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I must face facts:  I am not very good at sending out update emails to the SpyParty beta testers.  When you sign up for the Early-Access Beta, you get put on the private “beta announcement” mailing list, which is where I’m supposed to send, well, announcements about the beta.  However, the last mail I sent to […]

Zero’s Replays Trailer Teaches You How Not To Get Shot in 3 Minutes (maybe)

What, are you saying my 30+ minute rambles about the new In-Game Replays System are too long? Fine, be that way. Well, zerotka‘s got you covered. He created a short and punchy trailer for using replays on the SpyParty YouTube channel to figure out why you got highlit1 and shot, check it out: What’s that […]