Archive for the ‘beta’ Category.

Check Out The New Characters Animating!

We recently revealed the latest five SpyParty characters in the new art style, and now you can see a video of them talking and hanging out in conversations! ZeroTKA did the video in Maya, but with plain old hardware rendering like the game uses, so they’re not quite in the game yet, but you can see […]

SpyParty Chat #1 – Seduce, Fingerprint, High-rise, and more!

Hey all!  checker and I decided to try something a little bit different. We had ourselves a conversation about the latest SpyParty features, we recorded it, and then I turned it into a video. We basically stole this idea from the Introversion folks, who do a similar thing for Prison Architect release notes. We mainly talked […]

This Week in SpyParty: Sharing SpyParty’s Arcanum

After a hiatus, we’re back with zerotka posting to the blog! – checker Information is a valuable thing in all areas of life. The government does a great deal of work to keep ‘sensitive’ information from the public, Coca-Cola has a vault for its secret formula, and there are even rumors of secret societies like the […]

Introducing the Next Five SpyParty Characters

Update:  we’ve shown them animating! I’m super excited because it’s time to introduce the next five new SpyParty characters! And here are all ten of the new characters posing for your aesthetic edification! This images looks like a cast photo from a wacky mystery movie, and this is only half of the twenty (!) playable […]

SpyParty Meets Dead Island Trailer

So, we made a trailer last week, which may have inspired beta player jecat to make this awesome SpyParty parody of the famous Dead Island Trailer: