Archive for the ‘beta’ Category.
2011/07/14, 14:22 by checker
Here is my talk from last night’s SF IGDA meeting, all marked up and flashified. Apparently MyPlick finally died, so you can download the raw ppt and mp3. I talked about my goals for the network infrastructure for the SpyParty Early-Access Beta, both at a high level in terms of polish, security, scalability, and flexibility, […]
2011/07/13, 14:08 by checker
I had hoped to do a more lengthy update by now, but I’ve been so deep in server code I haven’t had a chance to breathe, let alone blog. Still, I wanted to say I’m giving a short talk tonight, 7pm, Wednesday, July 13th, at the San Francisco IGDA meeting, at the Autodesk Gallery, 1 […]
2011/06/23, 20:06 by checker
I am deep deep deep in server stuff for the Early-Access Beta, so this post is mostly to take a short break from that, tell you folks I’m still alive, and post the collection of feedback I got today from the IGF submission last year. I think it’s great the IGF gives submitters feedback, and, […]
2011/05/25, 02:40 by checker
Hallelujah, task #354 of 13,8771 for the Early-Access Beta seems to be working! The past few days I’ve been working on a package system, so I can bundle up all the content files for SpyParty into a single compressed blob, rather than having a zillion files in a directory hierarchy. This is good for load […]
2011/05/16, 18:37 by checker
It is true: I should be working on the game right now. But I couldn’t resist more beta data! Here are 5,871 geolocated SpyParty Early-Access Beta IP addresses: A few things of interest: I started to color code the points by the time they registered, and then I thought I’d do a gif animation over […]