Archive for the ‘beta’ Category.

The First 999 Beta Tester Usernames

There are now 999 people registered in the Early-Access Beta.1 Here are their usernames: aaboyles aaerox abettega ablemonkey aca15 acbgardner aces acron actionpotential adam adman aerox2 aethyr agent agentmidnight agradula ahalay ahnimal aisugirl akuda alessandro ali alkapwn almostpeaceful74 amagineer amar amassingham amonjura ancillas andrew andy angellion01 angryamish angryjaffa angrywombat ankhwatcher annoyedguy anotheruselesspwn antoine antonio applemint apreche […]

Deductive Depth Jamming, Beta Balance, and Megabuild Todo List

Wow, I have been busy, and the Early-Access Beta todo items are piling up! I will just get right to talking about stuff, no introduction necessary! The Depth Jam and Deduction Recently, a small group of us did an intensive game design retreat we called the Depth Jam, during which I dug into the deductivity […]

SpyParty Beta Fan Fiction

So, uh, I have been a little busy lately.  I know it’s surprising, but the Early-Access Beta has lots of bugs, needs lots of tuning, and the (slowly) growing community needs lots of questions answered and lots of design decisions explained.1 I haven’t processed all the numbers yet, but some super simple database queries indicate […]

A Beta Chat Log and The Current Leaderboard

One of the best things about finally having regular players in your game’s beta is you get to watch the server logs for bugs, or just snoop on your players chatting with each other before and after games.  In fact, this is so addictive, and you learn so much about how your game really works […]

The Welcome Post and Tutorial Video From the Beta Forums

This is the Welcome post for the SpyParty Early-Access Beta forums, including the tutorial video I recorded last night, which will hopefully help the complete newbs I’m about to invite in from getting frustrated (and shot). Welcome to the SpyParty Early-Access Beta! This welcome post is going to be a living document, which is to say I’m probably going […]