I was killed.
Wow, I have been busy, and the Early-Access Beta todo items are piling up! I will just get right to talking about stuff, no introduction necessary!
The Depth Jam and Deduction
Recently, a small group of us did an intensive game design retreat we called the Depth Jam, during which I dug into the deductivity of the Sniper gameplay. I want there to be some deductivity on the Sniper side, so the player has some method or process he or she can step through to eliminate suspects and not just completely drown in information, but I don’t want you to be able to completely grind out who the Spy is by a series of rote operations, like in a game of Clue. Since one of the aesthetic themes for SpyParty is about “making consequential decisions with partial information”, it’s very important that the Sniper not be able be 100% sure of the Spy’s identity, unless the Spy screws up and the Sniper sees a hard tell. There are a lot of places where deductivity comes into play for the Sniper, but an important one is the highlight/lowlight mechanic.
If you’ve read the documentation, you know that the Sniper can highlight and lowlight people at the party to manage levels of suspicion. This is purely a Sniper-side mechanic: the Spy doesn’t know for sure which characters are being tagged in this way or how, except that the Sniper’s laser has to hit the character to tag them, and this is visible to the Spy. The current version of this mechanic has two levels of highlight above neutral, and two levels of lowlight below neutral. The original intent was that you’d want to vary the amount of suspicion or lack thereof based on how the party is progressing, and for the most part, this worked. However, gamers are very good at optimizing things, and soon one of the elite players realized he could use these five levels as a 5-counter, using both the highlights and lowlights to count total number of visits to the statues and bookcases. Depending on the missions selected for the game, this Sniper would have a pretty good idea of who had to be the Spy.
From a game design standoint, this kind of player behavior is a delicate thing to direct in a player-skill game. Should the game help the Sniper do this bookkeeping because the player is going to want to do it anyway? Or, does the existence of multiple levels actually encourage this kind of bookkeeping? Should I nerf the mechanic, or just make the NPCs go to the statues more often so the bookkeeping is less relevant? It’s very hard to know the answers to these questions, but after thinking about it for a while, and talking to the elite players, I decided I needed to deal with this in a few different ways, and it will be an ongoing iterative design challenge:
- I proposed nerfing the Sniper’s mechanic to a single level of highlight and a single level of lowlight. Snipers could still use this as a 3-counter, but that’s less valuable, and each individual highlight or lowlight becomes more consequential. On the flip side, it removes the cognitive load associated with trying to figure out if you’re going to single- or double-highlight, which is subtle but significant. It’s also a lot cleaner controls-wise. This was the first real nerf, and the beta community responded well to the idea. There was some grumbling, but players posted thoughtful critiques and analyses of how they thought they’d be affected. I realized I was going to have to test this thoroughly, but it was easy to isolate and I chose it as my question for the Depth Jam.
- I decided against changing the NPC behavior in the short term, but in the long term, instead of simply increasing the probability that NPCs will visit the statues (for example), I might make it so some NPCs end up going to the statues a minimum number of times. However, either of these is a very complex change, because if an NPC is at a statue, it means they’re not at a bookshelf or in a conversation, so the entire flow of the party will change. This is a very nonlinear change, and it’s hard to predict what will happen.
- I can also change the missions that require the Spy to be in “deductivity-susceptible situations”. Keeping with the statue example, at the Depth Jam we ended up modifying the Inspect Statues mission so that instead of requiring three visits to the statues, the Spy could also inspect the neighboring statues if they’re not being held by and NPC. This allows the Spy to trade off duration and number of visits, and requires Snipers to have a feeling for both these quantities. There’s also a discount on the amount of time it takes to inspect each additional statue in a single visit, so you’re encouraged to inspect more than one. Finally, it makes the middle pedestal the most valuable statue to visit, because it allows the Spy to inspect either side, so characters going to the middle statue are a bit more suspicious. I love these tradeoffs, and these changes felt great when we tested them.
To give you an idea of how we went about testing this stuff at the Depth Jam, here is a screenshot of a special build we played. In it, I had the computer automatically increment two counters over the characters’s heads, one for statue visits, and one for bookcase visits, so the Sniper didn’t even need to click. This was never something I’d release to players, but I wanted to see how the game felt if the deductivity was “turned to 11”. Especially before the Inspect Statues changes, you could definitely just shoot (or at least watch) the person with the highest numbers.

Shoot Danger P. Johnson, he's got the highest numbers! Except he's the Ambassador.
I’m very happy with both the single level of highlight/lowlight and the Inspect Statues changes, and they’re going to roll out in the next build.
Beta Balance
I haven’t run detailed metrics yet, since I’m scrambling just to keep things humming along for players, but I did get curious about whether the game is even roughly balanced right now. Qualitively, I’ve been surprised by the seeming consensus in the private beta forums that the Sniper is the harder side to play. In the private testing I did with Ian and Paul, it seemed like at elite levels the Sniper had the advantage, but I wasn’t seeing people complaining about this, which I found interesting. Even more surprising was that players had settled on Pick 4 of 5 Missions on Ballroom as the balanced game mode. Back in the day, Pick 3 of 4 Missions on Ballroom was considered balanced, and even then we were worried about a Sniper advantage at elite levels.
Because SpyParty is so intensely player-skill oriented, I’ve implemented a number of game types so players can handicap matches to make up for skill differences. You can tune the Spy’s difficulty by choosing modes with more or less missions to accomplish, and giving the Sniper more or less information about which missions will be enabled. Some modes allow the Spy to complete any small subset of the missions chosen opportunistically while playing. Other modes require the Spy to divulge exactly which missions he or she will attempt. A large skill gap in favor of the Spy can be handicapped by choosing “6 Known Missions”, where choosing “Any 3 of 6” makes up for a lot of skill on the Sniper side.
Pick 4 of 5 is significantly harder for the Spy than Pick 3 of 4, yet people were playing it as the default mode once they graduated from Beginner Ballroom, so I decided to run some quick numbers.
The first thing I did was looked at the results of all games ever played in the beta. There are four possible outcomes of a game of SpyParty: the Spy can accomplish the missions, the Spy can run out of time, the Sniper can shoot the Spy, or the Sniper can shoot a civilian. We call the first and the last a Spy Win, and the middle two a Sniper Win. The results were even more balanced than I thought they’d be!
Total Games: 13238, SpyWins: 6494 (49.1%), SniperWins: 6744 (50.9%)
Okay, so this is great, but it’s pretty silly, since this includes every newbie game, every game where somebody said “shoot me because I’m stuck on the briefcase”, and the like. So, next I decided to look just at the elite games. I defined “elite game” as one played between the people on the leaderboard with more than 20 hours of game time. That part of the leaderboard looks like this:

The top 8 players on the leaderboard by time.
I did a few different queries here. First, all games these guys played in the last three weeks:
Total Games: 1794, SpyWins: 826 (46%), SniperWins: 968 (54%)
This includes teaching games, which these guys do a lot because they’re awesome, and everything else, so then I narrowed it to all games they played versus each other in the last three weeks, so these are the most advanced games going on in SpyParty right now…and these guys are very good…I know this because they beat me routinely:
Total Games: 266, SpyWins: 128 (48.1%), SniperWins: 138 (51.9%)
Wow, again, that’s just incredibly balanced!? I couldn’t believe it when I ran these numbers, but I’m super happy with them, and it goes a long way towards explaining why buxx said this to me in chat:
checker: "so, you've played 43 hours or whatever, do you feel like there's a
ceiling for you yet, or still going strong?"
buxx: "Skillwise, not even close, I still feel like I have a ton of room
for improvement"
I just feel incredibly lucky to have a game this deep, this early in its development. I’m so excited to take it even farther…people in competitive game design talk about “300 hour” games, and games like Go and Poker can be played for a lifetime. I hope to take SpyParty to those levels, or as close to them as I can get.
Finally, I looked at these players versus each other at a finer grain. I’ll just post some rough numbers for buxx and ardonite, because they’re an interesting contrast:
As Spy |
As Sniper |
Total Games |
Wins |
Win% |
Total Games |
Wins |
Win% |
buxx |
32 |
23 |
71.88% |
34 |
20 |
58.82% |
ardonite |
24 |
12 |
50.00% |
22 |
14 |
63.64% |
buxx is the top player right now, and he wins most of the time even against the other elite players, but especially as Spy. ardonite also wins over half the time against the elites, but moreso as Sniper.
I can’t wait to delve into the metrics more in the future.
Due to the Depth Jam and other distractions, the todo list has been building for weeks. I’m finally cranking through it, but I’ve dubbed this next build the “megabuild” because of all the stuff I’m shoving into it. This is not the right way to develop software. You should do more small releases, so you can test and isolate bugs, but I’m kind of on a roll and don’t want to slow down to make a build until I get some more stuff fixed. I won’t do this entire giant list before releasing, but I will do a couple more days worth of work. I’m afraid there are going to be bugs due to the number of changes, so it’s really the build after the megabuild that is going to be totally awesome!
- misc
added matches and total match time to leaderboards
alpha punchthrough for binocs and timed text…draw after
kill “sleep too long” log message
put graphics and cpuid info in log, at least glext
pack cpuid into string in journal too
don’t make duplicate logins delete cache and crash, stupid and annoying
hittest laser to world for marking, except for window muntin bars
mission text in practice sniper mode buggy
terrible lowercase in username entry on login page
s/affordance/action/g in code
highlight/lowlight nerf
ctrl/shoulder slam all the way to highlight/lowlight
hysteresis on actions
if it’s present in the current batch, set the index (unless it’s been manually set)
if it’s not present, grey it out and fade it away
this needs a lot of testing, it was a complex change
- clean up timeouts, wins, blah text everywhere in game
- remove debug_state_transitions
- check for pdf file association in setup program
- need network test during greeting
- invite beep in practice mode?
- don’t hide mouse during sniper menus
- put stats on match menu
- mouse sensitivity config prop and readme.txt
- do in-game update with a popup window instead of modal!
sell subliminal advertising in the crowd walla
- endgame and results
- not top suspects, just high/lowlights, filtering down cast
- escape confirmation on results screen with settings
- can take out the eat stuff and timer
- make Last Results on the match menu? possible?
- test invite cancel
- OT confirmation, OT happens on sniper machine for a second
- output game result into log
- shoot after timer runout still records shot person
- Shot person on sniper screen but not on Spy screen
- escape from invite to game needs confirmation?
- if sniper escapes while spy is waiting for results, game doesn’t end
- need to record actions for spy when ai before control
- briefcase
make briefcase a heavy pathing weight, not infinite
briefcase making characters float off ground
- moving while putting down briefcase
- stuck in COURIER_WAITING_FOR_SCIENTIST_HOLDING when ambassador has a book…not moving
- need to put down the briefcase when the timer runs out!
- dispose is broken, courier won’t put it down!
- add pauses
- conversations
fix interruption stuff to occasionally finish talk animation
- people in convo circles by themselves can read book until somebody else comes
- hmm, one frame of Read Book action, and immune to pause?
- ahh, the listen stomps it, need some kind of “interruptable” flag on anim, or priority
- can interrupt while taking drink…need to block
- people need to leave during listen idles?
- people going through middle of convo circles?
- double agent
- fake bbread not available when selected but not enabled
- banana bread double agent signal…if da leaves while action testing converts to fake
- need to have DA check to see if spy is action testing, and not leave convo if so
- how to do override in double_agent.cpp?
- double agent won’t go into circle during last minute – guarantee in last 30 seconds?
- fake banana bread is default option over flirt
- need to have cancel behavior on bbread
- okay – what to do here? person starting to talk is enough? short cough?
- bad – cough as walk away
- statue
new inspect statues design, can inspect statues next to you if not held
finish drink at or take briefcase to pedestal like bookcases
play sound when teleporting statue back, sorry ardonite!
- swap wrong statue when between pedestals – /tmp/fraps
- two people pick up same statue
- bad statue action test is fastest, make it delay, or flicker longer
- statue swap cancel makes it disappear
- statue swap bad action test needs timer before swap happens
- maybe bad swap doesn’t actually swap, it toggles it and back?
- or, statue swap is too hard already so don’t make it worse?
- good swap statue action test
- need to prevent run out of time between good action test and swap?
- its obvious to elite snipers, worse than hiding body…
- make it swap when somebody else picks it up? too powerful?
- make it instantly warp, not alpha
- more than 5 seconds? cheesy way of buying time then…
- bug ambassador
while watch check is happening, walking bug amb is not blocked
- ability to bug holding book in one hand
- bookcase
fix bookcase pileup – do vertical expanded shape
AIs wait a bit more randomly before leaving bookshelves
- marking book on shelf doesn’t record character because not attached yet
- do I want to support this even? have all books be grey on sniper?
- change put book and get book to have start/end events too
- idles in book watch animations, mix it up a bit
- second book page turn? or just use the idle for a time?
- make cycling books unified, right – blue, left – green, add red as double click, then grey
- bookcases vary in color per map…need to standardize and make maya prop type
- seduction at paintings
- chat
- window size, pos, borderless, maximized through chat commands
- add @ with username completion in chat
- color code names in chat
- kill “bogger says:” in single line chat copy
- history when typing chat line
- add crlf to chat copy so notepad works
- crash on non-text data in clipboard
- hitting escape kills the chat message you’re typing
- make it clear the first whisper went through even if got the away message
- packet loss test on console
- can’t run /fps command even without connection…but can do practice in lobby
- manual & readme
- put the latest manual images up, readme, etc
- s/noob/newb/ in manual…ugh
- documentation change to security agent
- remove y button
- inspect statues
- highlight/lowlight levels and controls
- add note about SpyPartyHelper.exe to the readme
- note lag is only on sniper side
- buxx feels watch check is underutilized…
- add more time?
- at paintings? in conversations while by yourself?
- watch check with book
- cancelling watch check needs failure or is animation tell enough?
- zerotka list of helpful things for research
- unlimited game time endless practice mode
- ability to see all floor pads in sniper view
- books come out same color as shelf
- Seduction Target in sniper view
- inability to complete missions or way to clear them
- no back walls in Ballroom as sniper ( or transparent if that’s easier?) ( aka, i want to be able to see in from all angles)
- camera track be a complete circle all the way around the ballroom.
- bugs
- intel problems
- lobby message box bad z
- key and mouse button drops due to shit framerate
- fix the rare junked game bug
- put more debugging code into the drinks.cpp coreanim crash
- store things to locals to see, do memory readable check on coreanimation
- phatjax crash in stun code, assert in log first
- 0.1.1983.0-phatjax-7cs4v-e9SBihV1znwyvuFw.7z
- lobbyserver leak – use backtrace
- inviting phatjax after cancelled invite gives assert
- assert !”what do to here?”, File: .\examples\lobby\lobbyclient.cpp, Line: 1798
- fix DTScale behaviors, briefcase, waiter, have game clock