The First 999 Beta Tester Usernames
There are now 999 people registered in the Early-Access Beta.1 Here are their usernames:
aaboyles aaerox abettega ablemonkey aca15 acbgardner aces acron actionpotential adam adman aerox2 aethyr agent agentmidnight agradula ahalay ahnimal aisugirl akuda alessandro ali alkapwn almostpeaceful74 amagineer amar amassingham amonjura ancillas andrew andy angellion01 angryamish angryjaffa angrywombat ankhwatcher annoyedguy anotheruselesspwn antoine antonio applemint apreche arbaard arbiter ardonite aresbece arthol ashenke astroblack astrognat attackslug atticusfinch austin authoralden avian avianflame awakewise awayman awesome awesomex awkwardhero azazoth azeltir bambu85 bassguitarbill bater bbrocker bc5389 bclose bdgolfer81 beanopolis beavens beckett007 beffy belak beljerd ben benny bepedos berbank beric berndie90 berryalice bespectacledgent betabetamax billiechar binarychimp biodork bishop bizzkaj bjorngylling bkyoops bl00dw0lf blabber blackheart blacklamb blaine blargnblarg blimeycow blind blindcicero blindprophet blinkity bluenator bluewins bnetter12 bobbesmcgee bobo bogger bom351 boner bracken brackhar brawnyfanta braytek brettbot bronn browncoat768 bslinger bubonulus bucksexington bukit1 bull bungeeman bunnyfoofoo bureaucromancer burgly burguois buxx cafebagels caincc calitar callguinness camgoeswild camperbob canadianbacon candafilm caphector capnlee captainduh captainquincy captgadianton carrington casey castor cathlin causeofdeath15 caustic cba123 chan charliechan charliehuge checker chris chris2c2 chrisbell chrisfranklin christianwins chuckgriff chvyvele cian cigumo ciminator ckarinja clarkson101 click cliff cloversquirrel clovest clownbaby clownzilla clubley2 codarl codyme1 cogbyrn cokelogic colemip coleopteran coleslawesome colinnorthway collinc colourmeindigo commandercup commandersven communistbloc compositeredfox congodave cornpalace corvon coubs38 cpsabotage crackilator cramill creasy cru31ty cskilbeck cube cukydoh curieous cyberpirate cyclpsrock d1a2r3k d4rkfr4g dacool561 daddykingkong daeke daenrr daethwing188 dagstur daheadhunter dak722 damatman dan danblanchard dandyshlonglegs danger dangerskew danicia danielben danigold dariusk darkcephas darkernukes darkswordmaster darktrooper darrentorpey darthbutternutz dash daveycraney david2crazy dbfclark dbltnk dead deadbolt deadjoe deep9x defendership deftmunky dekuplatformer desdewd develin devp dexan dfan diamondae dieffenbachj dienekes00 diffusion digikrynary dinozzo dios dippyt dirk dizzyduke dj2scoop dla26 doc docace doctorwhy docyahoo doddzy39 doenan domofizz doneval dookie dorkus1218 dotreptile doug drdos dredgman drmuncie drqqq dukrous dumbitdown duncank dungeonduck dutchsanta duwilli dvorak eddie edgeblend eggs eight einhandr eirabben eklyptz ekombokom elcarlito elendira eljenso ellbent elpicante emanon emil emmick4 emuspawn emwurst engagequadlaser enragedviol ento ephargy erariga escapecharacter esperento esuark06 etran1 etsd eversoslightly evolved exayden ezithau fain faithbleed falcon9xr falconred fancyfrog fapsauss faryn fatheroctopus favocado feenox fenir fetthesten finners fischl flamingarms flanjygo foo forspareparts fortninety foxblock fredthedeadhead french fringe frondo furay fuzzyspo0n fweez fyre gabriel gabrielsp gabumon2 gahd gamersdg garythellama geekgrrl geekynerd geibys geiko generalchaos gerardi getaway geveeso gimmefiction ging girricane gkyl gmandm goat6star6of6astaroth goblineat2 godfatherbrak godfire godzchozenson goinbananas golds golzernurf goodboy goofus gordon gordonfremen gouda graywolf greger grempkin griffinmcelroy grifta67 grimwtf grinspork gryphus1 grythean gummikana guncannon gunner1905 gunslingernz guylum haganehylian hajav halcyon hansoneg harrisonthefan harrylee hasmarth hatebobbarker havochq hawk haze hdfisise headbuddy hehateme henningdc hermituk hernismall herrdoctor hinges hobbes2424 hollygolightly holodoc homeless hop3less hothmonster hulkmaster hunter4hire hutty211 iamcarneiro iax ibis idrisguitar iiatlas ikubiakius ilzxc imaginarydinosaur immortalwombat imthedude ineffable ininja132 inker intero iocat iou1username ironhive isamu itsatrap itsmyyard itt0 j0be jacksonaces jake james1221 jaqenhghar jason jasonbourne jcmoore jedexodus jedimasta jeffatrad jeffnosanov jello jennylynn jentaro jeremiahbritt jetlizard jguzikowski jjb273 jleet82 joakim joeaverage joeprunz johnnemann johnnyr jonmm1776 jonoabbo jorispz joset305 jrmtz85 ju34u julian justin justinliew jvnane kai kalei50 kami kapit karabinerkarl karaidon karibou kate katya kb0m kbd keith kelemvor kellywallick kennyal kevin keysosaurus kidko kifil killercow kkriller klinefelter0 kmonarq7 kmuncie knifeninja kobolt kramff krow007 krpiper kujiun kunstbanause kwhiggs8 kyarourin kyoun lackey lagarathan lala lameduck lamzor lancelake larakin launchbay07 lavinashfield lawiin lawlercaust lazz leaveittoreaver leichelle lemming liamh101 lightishred linkz lioninacoma liquidindian liquience ln3000 loddy logomorph loki lopert lordking loshon lovick lrrr ltfragbox ludusvan lusomai m0r7if3r maarch macintoth mackinder maddragon maedas malbios malfunktionv2 maniacalv mantis marcham93 marciantobay marcnotmark markfnd markrestart markus marlowe mathewcrichton matt mattseligman maverick21xx maxemoe mazazon mbrewski mcc meanbrian megadestructo megapixel23 mehall merc mercuryn mercy metaregress metronome49 mevica michael michibuenkosai micole miggins mike mikecruz mikegbrown mikejmika mikella mikey minecraftboy3437 mistadad misterfix misterpanky mizzrie mmcdhoward mmorier mmustapic mogri moo moof moomanibe morfran morganic mosse motorcrash mrbanana519 mrcompletely mrhoten mrmember mrpants mrphatjared mrprice33 mrpropellerhead mrssaurbaum msarge mtb mukow murray mvandevander mylene namelesssniper nara nateventure nayon7 nayrev naysayer nazzerac nefiorim nelsormensch nemesiscw nemo nerdmancer neuman nexai nicemissmayonnaise nickmac863 nicktheflanders nicta nille niteowl noc noclip noethis nogon noise noisia noonan noonchild norskov northernlion nosferatastic notbengilbert notch nuhuhnoway nukednova nunix nyo odeyin odie ohsickkbro okibi olninyo omar omgmyface omnomonsouls onik onyxmoron opticalshadow or1g1nal1ty orahpajo ossy otakushi overlordror ozzyj88 paarre palm partario pastorpeej patrick patyrick pauzle pawng pax217 pbobzebuilder penumbra peter phaazoid phase phatjax pheranova phobon phokal pickard12 pigo pikes piratepwnsninja pixelfenix pixeltitan pixistick pnomoth pobblepop poison5htp pokeadot polycube popabawa porousnapkin postgoodism powerlanguage pparks76 prall prelone prios proverbialbones psponge psytog pubtongue puppet purplevanes pylons qq qualityjeverage quanimal queenkid1 quickfics quirken rachel rachet20 radchek rage ragegoblin rager ragtag21 rainault raphaelo rapscallion ravi ravie77 raypaik rebeleleven redbeardedowl redivy redrocket redrum remy remzo rennix resdog reusablebox revdancatt reverendanthony rex rick rift rinzai ripply rj rnw159 robinaire robotpants rockliao rocky rodomont roel1976 rogermoore rook rorrim ross rowdynun ruhmann rullerr rune ryan rym sabones sachiarias sagemichael samuel samuelcole sarahnorthway sardiax sarge sargonas sarrick saucepain saurbaum sawchuk1 sb00ya scnigey scopesofter scottish scotto6uk screwjack scud seansf seeking segolectrick seiromem senisan sentry sepherimorth sequel seregrail7 sgtfury shakewell shatter1313 sheepofheight shurp sigmatheta simon2776 simonbob sirblastalot sirlaitier sk82712 skapig skrymir skuchachii skuzeeii slack slats sleepyendymion slyvr smacktubby snakeaes sneakypeaky89 snoken snowmaneater soda solidplasma someguy sonicblastoise sonicboom soolseem spencerrohan spikerama spinnermaster spinyeti spliter splodeybaloney splodn spouwny spy spychao999 squirtle srjenkins starkiller2000 stdizzie steakeatsbabies stents sterling steve stockdogfactory storm stu stuart superdraw swenson sylver symlink syrinx t3kk taco taker talensis tam tantfarbror taquelli tautology teddydief telephis tembac tenebrous tenjouutena tenochtitlan terrytate testing texanfromin thealmightydan thebogdan thechicken thecze thedirt thedoctor52 thedoomsmith thegeckoj thegerf theharribokid theinfamousnolan thejoshfox thelaughingman themantis themightyyeti themosb thename thenew110 theotheralex ther thesocialsolipsist thief thirdordeal thornsten thoseposers thsandman tiefooz tigerseye85 tigershark tilton time5 tlabresh tobybot tokion tomeng1997 tomqbui toomuchpete tpwt tralan trauts travis treadd tree treythalomew trickery triplelex trouserdemon tubybuny tulse twie twinbolt twistamafoo twoflower tylerthedesigner undeadnub undisclosed uneddy vadid37 valir valuedrug vanlo varanas venom veturi vidvandre vincentdpc vinnyboombatz vorrik vortexmortinghan voxhumano vs vutdevuk wantedbob warlock watertower webjr weebee886 weeble wesley weteor whatthegeek whispous whitewolf whizkid wiggy wikzo willdude william wilson2k4 wiltwin wirapuru wish wkerslake woodensplint woof woomstick woseseltops wubang3r wubby wyrmling x13ucketheadx x1pyvr84 xav xemu xenoacid xlom3000 xspjigo xtreyu xzalander yanndos yazzflute yegg yobani yokelbloke yorudy yourdad zacaj zachwlewis zafo999 zaktilu zapdsl zen zerooneinfinity zerosyphon zerotka zerozshadow zgilly zhiwiller zoink2000 zoneghost zynux
- Updated numbers to be clear: There are 13788 people signed up as of right now, 1081 registered (I invited more in after this post), 2430 invites total sent, for a 44% registration rate…I’m still inviting people in slowly until I get the lobby scalable. [↩]
Interesting that people have free choice of any name they want and you still get people putting numbers at the end of their handle. Must be the lasting effects of AOL.
fuzzyspo0n is my favorite.
I like omnomonsouls.
i want and i am not there :(
My friend said he was in the lobby alone the other day. I told him to spam in chat that he wanted to play a game with me, just to see if you did requests. XD
He can request via a PM in the beta forums.
I have to get a spy gamer in the forums then. My preferred username is still not used.
I’m derping pretty hard and not finding a forum link…. =/
The forums are private right now for current beta testers. I’ll open them up when I’ve invited everybody in and open up the beta.
Maaan I’d love to be on that list!
Hey, Notch is there too!
Son of a. Followed this for years and just found the beta registration yesterday, imagine my hype “Oh hey people got added!” to see “Nope”
Look ma! I’m on the internets!
Interestingly, “spy” is taken, but “sniper” is not :)
When you say, ‘registered’, are these 999 invites sent or 999 accepted and confirmed invites?
You’re up to, what? 15000 registered for the beta?
How many invites sent?
How many invites accepted and paid for?
Yeah, thanks, I updated the text at the top a bit and added a footnote to reflect that. It’s still running about 40% registration rate like I posted about previously, which I’m pretty happy with, especially given that most of these signups are over a year old!
Yeah, I’m in that list, even though life has made it very hard for me to find time to play, but I still paid my due.
You know, if you send an invite to me and my friend, you will get 100% registration rate for this sample.
It’s okay, Ron, I’m sure you’ll be back, and thanks! If all those people logged in at the same time the server would melt anyway. :)
Aww man, my registration is one year old. I’m dying here man, i’m DYING!
Yeah, so i missed the initial beta sign up and ended up signing up waaaaayyy late.
I checked this site every day for a while, except the day beta registration started. So I’m probably around 5,000 back. At least I have Diablo III to keep me occupied for a while (though I still check my email way too often).
I have done worse. I heard about the beta sign-up the day the registration started. I went to the website and read the following: “please only sign up if you’re planning on paying for the Early-Access Beta when your email invite arrives”. I was not sure I wanted to pay $15, so I did not sign up. One year later, I decided to sign-up. And now, I learn that 7% of the people really bought the beta when invited! Why did I not sign-up?
Wait, no, ~40% buy it when invited. I haven’t invited all 13k people in yet. I’ll update the post to reflect that.
I definitely don’t want people signing up who aren’t sure they want to pay, I need to be able to predict how many people will pay when I send out invites for load balancing right now, so you did the right thing by not signing up when you weren’t sure.
Okay, I updated the footnote with the latest numbers.
Okay. I misunderstood. 40% is better.
Yeah, the 44% is almost right at my optimistic hope for 50%, so I’m happy about it.
The number of total invites sent out is is actually probably the most helpful to all of us waiting for an invite, since i think a lot of people have a vague estimate for where they are on the list (I’m guessing i’m probably at like 11k or something :( But now i know you’re about 25% of the way there, woo!)
Yeah, although I do 60% in-order and 40% random for every batch of invites, so that complicates estimation a bit.
Did not know that.
Don’t know whether to be happy that i have a chance at getting in sooner, or anxious cause i had already resigned myself to not getting in for a while, and now I’m gonna get my hopes up every time a new batch of invites goes up.
Any way i can convince you to replace your random number generator with one that is heavily biased towards selecting names that start with dem? :p
In the worst case, people in the 11k queue will get selected with an in-order invite after the next 80 batches.
Among 200 invites sent for each batch, there are 80 invites sent at random. Let us start numbering batches starting from 0 with the last batch (n=0). If we imagine people signing-up are negligible, at least until the 80th batch, the chance of being selected at random in the n-th batch knowing we have not been selected until the (n-1)-th batch (included) is:
For the next batch (n=1), the chance to be selected at random is 0.4*200/(13788-2430-0.6*200), which is a bit more than 0.7%. For the other batches, refer to:
Hope for the best, expect the worst.
Just a correction of a mistake I made: this is the chance of being selected at random in a batch between the next batch (included) and the n-th batch (included), which is why the probability increases so fast.
The conditional probability is lower and increases slowly:
Forget about what I wrote: the conditional probability is the numerator, the chance of being selected at random in the n-th batch *for the first time* is the product of the two factors, there is no division.
Let’s rather think about the game. I am going to bed.
Dang, just got the e-mail. I’ll be registering very quickly, just gotta put some cash in my account. Was excited as hell when I saw the e-mail though.
Just because I am curious, when you get an account, do you get to select a nickname?
Hey there, is there any way to check if my beta sign up request is still active in some way? I signed up about 5 days after it opened. If I’m incorrect in assuming that I was fairly high up on the list, then it sounds like you’ve got a great fan base going and congratulations! Thanks for your time and best of luck with development.
If you try to sign up again and it says you’re already signed up, then you’re good. The in-order signups are still on the first day, sadly, so you’ve got a bit of a wait unless you get lucky and your random number is picked.
Thanks for the reply! My fingers are crossed and I look forward to getting a chance to play your game. It looks as if you’ve done a great job so far.
Just read that SpyParty is gonna be at EVO – that is super hype! Congrats to Checker for getting involved with that community; that is going to spread the word about this game like wildfire. Now I’m even more upset that I decided not to go this year.
Incidentally how many first-day signups were there? (Full disclosure: I’m one of them, 2011-05-10 19:03:04 haha)
More data that you may want: